Walking in the world Create a bright future together - AiOcean&SolaRoad Global Brand Strategy Tour Summit is about to start
2023-03-24 20:57:24 Reading

 On March 29th , the AiOcean&SolaRoad Global Brand Strategy Tour Summit co-sponsored by SolaRoad and Hewlett Packard Enterprise will be launched in Thailand . At that time, the top executives of world-renowned enterprises will gather together, with the attitude of thinking about the world, and jointly look at the industry imagination of the infinite future. Elites from various industries will join hands to discuss the future of computing power , aiming to grasp the right to speak in the computing power industry and promote the rapid development of the digital economy.
reported that SolaRoad is the world's first supercomputing public chain based on the HPOS consensus mechanism . It focuses on creating an epoch-making supercomputing ecosystem , aiming to provide the most advanced productivity for industries such as Ai artificial intelligence, smart Internet, and Metaverse . Accelerate with the times . Its vision is to create an HPCS high-performance supercomputing space network. Through distributed computing power clusters and Ai artificial intelligence engines, it can more efficiently achieve exponential scale growth for current supercomputing center clusters, thereby reducing computing costs and improving commercial value. .
There will be wonderful muay thai performances, ladyboy show performances, song singing by famous singer Zhang Danfeng, distribution of red envelopes, and toasting sessions. There are also roundtable forums, special speeches, etc., and industry experts will comprehensively explore the ecology, commercial value, and technological revolution of the computing power industry in the Asian market.
well -known experts and scholars, business representatives , technical personnel , international media, and investment institutions to attend . and business opportunities, the deployment of global supercomputing service centers to achieve threshold optimization and further commercialization of the use of computing power resources.
Since the third industrial revolution, computing power has become more and more inseparable from people's lives. Today, computing power is becoming an essential infrastructure like water and electricity. Especially in the past three years, the epidemic has forced the development of industrial digitization, which has further enhanced the importance of computing power for social operation.
In 2023, a new starting point, a new journey, a new yearning for a new height. Computing power infrastructure is the "base" for the healthy development of the digital economy, and it plays a huge role in promoting the healthy development of the digital economy. In the future, Solarroad will work hard and innovate. Sola's global evangelists will be full of confidence, forge ahead, and forge ahead. While referring to industry standards, Solarroad is determined to work with peers to promote the computing power industry to become more mature and create new glory!

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