The new power of chain tour is rising, the western farm completed the public test online
2021-07-11 16:34:33 Reading

 Recently, Western Farm, the first blockchain farming game incubated by RPO Foundation, officially announced the completion of its public test online, which caused a sensation in the whole chain game industry on the first day of its launch, with a surge of registered users. It is undeniable that this is largely related to the recent meta-universe chain game hotspots and the strong support from the RPO Foundation Guild, but we also see that the potential of Western Farm itself is exploding and the new power of chain game is rising.
It is understood that Western Farm is a blockchain virtual farm game built on a farm background, in which players play the role of farm operators, complete a series of tasks such as planting and processing to obtain resource output, the resources obtained can be used for market transactions, NPC interaction, farm construction, etc., earning while playing, allowing players to truly experience the fun of a farmer building a farm.
As the RPO Foundation's first blockchain farming game, Western Farms is expected to have a lot of expectations, and we see that Western Farms itself has many highlights: the
- Luxury lineup. With the support of the RPO Foundation, Western Farm is not only financially and technically secured, but also has the support of the global community from the RPO Foundation Guild, which is the foundation for the long-term development of Western Farm.
- Ultra-low threshold. Unlike many previous games, Western Farm is open to global users and runs on a decentralized chain, and can also experience more game features, a game that truly belongs to all players.
- Innovative model. As we all know, in the history of the development of the game we have gone from the paid model to the free model, and Western Farm will adopt the innovative Play-to-earn game model, players not only experience it for free, but also can earn while playing, and then earn income from the game, which greatly enhances the attractiveness of the game.
- Unique arithmetic mechanism. Western Farm sets the arithmetic combination mode of personal arithmetic + community arithmetic + prop exchange arithmetic, which enriches the gameplay and makes the game more exciting.
- Immersive game experience. All along, one of the major pain points of blockchain games is that the playability is not as good as traditional games. Western Farm adopts the latest VR and AR technologies and sets up VR experience rooms, etc., which can give players an immersive experience to enter the virtual farm world and knock on the door of the meta-universe.
At present, Western Farm has been opened in many regions around the world. We believe that with the support of RPO Foundation, Western Farm will be able to become a dark horse of blockchain games and lead the new wave of Gamefi.

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