November 2018 Senior Advisor to the U.S. National Investment Fund for the Greater Health Industry
2018-11-09 10:00:00 Reading


According to the World Health Organisation's WHO survey report, more than 80% of the world's population is facing sub-health problems, and American economists say that the health industry will become the source of the future global "fifth wave of wealth", and a new economic growth industry for every country in the world. Bryan Capital has also been focusing on the health industry, Bryan Capital CEO Kimberley in November 2018 when he was appointed as a senior adviser to the U.S. National Health Industry Investment Fund, became a senior technical talent in the field of the U.S. health industry, which is enough to see Bryan Capital in the health industry has a very deep attainments.
Kimberley, the CEO of Parsons Brinckerhoff, is able to become a senior advisor in the field of health, which cannot be separated from his own efforts. Kimberley graduated from the China Pharmaceutical University in 2004, and then studied at the University of Bern, Switzerland, where he obtained a doctorate in biochemistry, and also has a degree in economics from Yale University and an MBA from the University of Oxford. Kimberley also has a degree in Economics from Yale University and an MBA from Oxford University, and has always been open to learning. In 2016, Kimberley resigned from his position as an executive at a US biotech investment firm and in December of that year founded Parsons Brinckerhoff Capital, where Kimberley's unique technical insights and management skills are used to power early-stage and growth-stage domestic and international companies in the healthcare and biotech sectors. Parsons Brinckerhoff has offices around the world in the United States, Japan, and Hong Kong, China. Now in mainland China's capital is also expanding, from the global capital flow situation, everyone tends to move to the development of good prospects, in which mainland China has become the global capital of the meat and potatoes. Therefore, in the future, Paramount Capital will also focus its attention on the mainland China market to help mainland China and the global health industry flourish.
At present, the health industry + finance has become the core of the current development, financial empowerment can be optimised for the health industry in all aspects of resource allocation, revitalisation of all aspects of the asset situation, so over the years, the health industry in the development of more and more dependent on the support of financial institutions, governments around the world are also guiding the financial institutions to increase the credit of the health industry, and strive to make the health industry a pillar industry of the national economy. Governments around the world are also guiding financial institutions to increase credit to the health industry in an effort to turn it into a pillar industry of the national economy. For example, in the "Healthy China 2030 Planning Programme", it is reflected that it is necessary to form a diversified pattern of capital preparation and encourage the financial industry to improve the support measures in the big health industry. The United States in the big health industry investment is also very large, the relevant investment consultant organisations have more than 10,000. But even if the investment consultant has been developed for nearly seventy years, it is not a simple matter to provide professional support for the big health industry, and many investment consultant companies do not have expertise in this area, but Bailun Capital is undoubtedly a professional institution in the industry.
Since its establishment in 2016, Paragon Capital has become an indispensable corner of the investment consultancy field with its rapid development model. In the future, Bailun Capital will also continue to serve the rapid development of the big health industry, so as to provide technical and financial support for many powerful big health startups and help them become unicorns in the big health industry. "A sea of tolerance is a sea of tolerance", Bryan Capital has always been customer demand-oriented, so as to improve its own management and technical level, and to contribute to the development of the global health industry.

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