2022 Blockbuster Work | Diversified Application Aggregation Metaverse Platform - King World is about to go online!
2022-06-14 14:39:59 Reading

 With the continuous expansion of the global cryptocurrency audience, the popularity of the metaverse has soared, and the concept of "NFT chain game" has gradually entered the public's field of vision, and has quickly become popular in the encryption world. If 2020 is the first year of DeFi, then 2021 will undoubtedly be the first year of NFT, from NFT card games, digital art, avatar art, generative art, community-based NFT to the staged hot GameFi, and then to the crypto world. The ultimate form of metaverse, NFT has continued to make an indelible contribution to the popularity of the currency circle.

It can be said that while NFT has brought endless imagination to the encryption industry, it has also really promoted the development of the industry. As the NFT field returns to rationality, the new model of blockchain + metaverse + GameFi + NFT will also take over the baton in 2022, becoming a new strong point in the encryption industry.

Initiated by the top team in the United States, Bounty Foundation, King World is one of the typical representatives of the diversified application aggregation metaverse platform that will be launched globally. Different from other platforms, King World integrates DeFi + NFT + GameFi + SocialFi + Web3.0 + P2E + Resonance + Public chain + Swap + DAO and other decentralized applications on the basis of Metaverse + Blockchain, thus Greatly increases the interaction and playability of King World.

As a blockchain platform that has been favored by many investment institutions and players before it goes online, King World's popularity and popularity are obviously ranked in the forefront of the entire network. How popular is King World? Since the publication of the white paper, King World's popularity on Twitter, Telaegram and other social media has remained high, and the rate of fan interaction is extremely high.

The reason why it is so popular is partly because of King World's unique ecosystem, and partly because of King World's gameplay and revenue model. As a practical DAO ecosystem under the coordination of multiple applications such as DeFi, NFT, GameFi, and Metaverse, King World ecological gameplay includes DeFi liquidity mining, LP pledge lending, NFT creation and asset circulation, GameFi, SocialFi, and Web3. 0. Resonance, Public chain, Swap, Metaverse immersive interactive applications and many other major sectors.

In terms of ecological applications, King World believes that all objects are represented as tokens on the blockchain network. Therefore, in a game, all items can be owned by the user or by anyone, and each player is both a participant and an owner. Playing the game well allows users to accumulate more in-game currency (fungible tokens, such as platform tokens or game currency) or NFTs (non-fungible tokens) that represent in-game assets (such as props). In King World's view, once these assets are acquired, users can exchange them for other cryptocurrencies in the market for disposable income. Through the global implementation of the GameFi model, King World will build a bridge between each sector, allowing humans to understand the new world of chain games built by blockchain from a new dimension.

Although many people think that the biggest highlight of King World is the integration of blockchain technology and the Metaverse, but in my opinion, the most attractive of King World is its unique six core advantages. in:
Decentralized Ecosystem
The "discovery" and "dissemination" of King World's value are mainly completed by users and rules based on trusted smart contracts. Driven by transparency and a new benefit distribution mechanism, everything will operate in the most reasonable way.
Free circulation of high-quality assets
King World's various roles such as consensus, participants, developers, promoters and investors are no longer subject to the platform, and ecological roles can freely achieve multi-scenario transaction needs.
High ROI
The characters in the King World system can invite and motivate each other. The benefits become direct, the return period for participating in various activities such as DeFi + NFT + GameFi + SocialFi + Web3.0 + P2E + Resonance + Public chain + Swap is shortened, and user stickiness increases sharply.
Metaverse virtual asset NFTization
In the field of NFT and blockchain encryption, it mainly solves the scarcity and uniqueness of numbers, digital property rights, large-scale coordination across virtual environments, and systems that protect user privacy. In the King World ecosystem, everything can be NFT. NFT will bring digital uniqueness and verifiability to the King World ecology, completely subvert a series of items in the virtual reality of the metaverse, and add important independence and uniqueness to the ecology. NFTs allow King World to exist in an open, trustless form, with decentralized ownership.
KTW token incentive system
Introduce participants, game players, and users into the KTW token incentive system and transaction party system, encrypt user privacy data through cryptography, and use user contribution data and attention time for the construction of the King World ecological chain. Get the corresponding KTW coins as a reward.
Building a Decentralized Community Autonomous Organization (DAO) in the Metaverse
In this KTW DAO, all members form a DeFi + NFT + GameFi + SocialFi + Web3.0 + P2E + Resonance + Public chain + Swap based on fair, open and transparent consensus rules and credible cryptography and mathematical algorithms Data sharing and open platform, so as to realize data sharing, opening, trading and realization of applications in different vertical scenarios.
In terms of media cooperation, in order to drive the increase in the market value of King World token-KTW and the development of users of the King World project, KTW tokens will also be launched simultaneously on global mainstream exchanges including Binance, Coinbase, OKX, Upbit, etc. Further increase the popularity of tokens, and use this to create a market value of 100 billion KTW.

With a strong team background, professional R&D team, rigorous token mechanism and perfect ecological model, every feature of King World highlights that this is an outstanding multi-application aggregation metaverse platform. King World definitely has top-notch attributes, or it is expected to become the blockbuster of the year in 2022. Of course, King World has not yet been officially launched. Whether it can hold up half the sky of the encryption industry in 2022, it is too early to say these, but I believe that King World, under the support of the concept of blockchain + metaverse, will definitely be the best in the world. Players and fans handed over a satisfactory answer.

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